The Youth Engagement Training and Resources webpage houses webinar recordings from Youth Engagement Leadership Calls and Office Hours, as well as other youth engagement recorded trainings and developed resources and tip sheets. Recordings are organized into categories of Getting Started with Youth Engagement, Implementing Youth Engagement, Wrapping Up Youth Engagement: PEARS and Evaluation, and Learning from Others: Youth Engagement Sharing. Webinars within each category are organized by foundational topics at the top and moving toward more complex topics within that category, with the exception of Wrapping Up Youth Engagement and Learning from Others where recordings are in descending chronological order from most recent to least recent webinar date. Check out the YPAR webpage for YPAR Summer Training Institute recordings.
Getting Started with Youth Engagement
- Positive Youth Development 101
- This webinar delves into the foundations of positive youth development (PYD) and how PYD supports effective youth engagement programming. Recorded January 2020.
Recording - Youth Engagement Program Models
- This webinar identifies and explores a variety of youth engagement program models currently being delivered across CalFresh Healthy Living, UC programs. Recorded May 2020.
Recording - Connecting Youth Engagement to Other CalFresh Healthy Living, UC Initiatives
- This FFY22 Youth Engagement Leadership Call kick-off features short presentations within each CFHL, UC initiative (Gardening, Physical Activity, School Wellness Policy, Smarter Lunchrooms Movement, and Direct Education) including ideas and examples for connecting youth engagement to these other initiative areas. Following the short presentations is a breakout room session to explore additional opportunities to collaborate across initiative areas, as well as identifying needs related to training and materials to support cross-initiative collaboration. Recorded October 2021.
Recording - Safety Protocol Working with Youth
- This webinar, presented by Brian Oatman, UC ANR Director of Risk and Safety Services, discusses best practices when working with young people in CalFresh Healthy Living, UC programming. Recorded April 2020.
Recording - Recruitment and Communication
- This webinar highlights questions and discussion of recruitment and communication strategies for different types of youth engagement programming. Recorded November 2020.
Recording - Policy, System, and Environmental Changes through Youth Engagement Programs
- This webinar explores the what, why, and how of Policy, Systems, and Environmental (PSE) changes that result from youth engagement programming. A county highlight from El Dorado County on their youth engagement work and the connection to PSE changes is included. Recorded March 2020.
Recording - Virtual and Hybrid Approaches: Program Plans and Partner and Youth Recruitment and Retention
- This office hours dives into questions and discussion around youth engagement focused resources to share with partners, how to identify partners to work on youth engagement efforts, and sharing on youth and partner recruitment strategies. Recorded November 2021.
Recording - Building and Maintaining Partnerships
- During this webinar, learn about best practices for building and maintaining partnerships, as well as discussion around navigating new and established partnerships during COVID-19 and virtual learning adaptations. Recorded March 2021.
Recording - Partnering with UC 4-H Youth Development Program
- This webinar looks at frequently asked questions for CFHL, UC programs partnering with UC 4-H. Experiences and discussion from counties who have partnered with UC 4-H are shared, and additional questions are discussed. Recorded February 2020.
Implementing Youth Engagement
- SNAC and Youth-led Gardening: Overview and Examples
This webinar provides an overview of the youth engagement strategies Student Nutrition Advisory Council (SNAC) and Youth-led Gardening, along with county highlights and examples of SNAC in El Dorado County, and youth-led gardening in Calaveras and Imperial Counties. Recorded February 2024.
- Teens as Teachers and YPAR: Overview and Examples
This webinar provides an overview of Teens as Teachers and Youth-led Participatory Action Research (YPAR), along with county highlights and examples of Teens as Teachers in Cooking Academy in Sacramento and Colusa counties, and a 12-session YPAR in Tehama county. Recorded December 2023.
- Incorporating Technology and Social Media
This webinar highlights examples and ideas for utilizing technology and social media to both promote and recruit for youth engagement activities, as well as support young people using these tools in their project work. Recorded June 2023.
- Youth-led Garden Clubs and Activities
This webinar highlights opportunities for collaboration across the youth engagement and gardening initiatives, and includes an observation of youth leaders from Santa Barbara county teaching a lesson from the TWIGS curriculum in Spanish to younger youth, as well as a Q&A session with the youth leaders. Recorded April 2023.
- SNAC Workshop
This virtual workshop presented by CFHL, UCCE San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara highlights their Student Nutrition Advisory/Action Council (SNAC) efforts conducted in partnership with UC 4-H. Recorded February 2023.
Note: SNAC as a CFHL, UC youth engagement strategy does not require partnering with UC 4-H, however there is great collaborative opportunity with UC 4-H in this strategy, as well as in other youth engagement strategies.
- College and Career Readiness and Pathways
- In this webinar, hear from several CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE County/Cluster Programs about their experiences integrating college and career readiness strategies into their youth engagement work. Recorded February 2021.
Recording - Working Virtually with Youth
- This office hour webinar focuses on discussion surrounding working with young people in a virtual environment. Recorded December 2020.
Recording - Youth Engagement Program Plans
- This office hour webinar showcases discussion amongst local UCCE programs, including youth engagement program plans for the new fiscal year (FFY21). Recorded October 2020.
Recording - Teens as Teachers and Cooking Academy Tools
- This webinar provides an overview of Teens as Teachers resources as well as virtual learning components for Cooking Academy. Recorded September 2020.
Recording - Collecting and Using Data
- This webinar explores opportunities to both collect and use data within your youth engagement programming. A county highlight from Contra Costa County offers examples where data was both collected and used to support Youth-led Participatory Action Research. Recorded December 2021.
Recording - Data Mapping
- This webinar highlights opportunities to use data mapping as a tool in youth engagement work. Recorded August 2020.
Recording - Technology Tools
- This webinar looks at different technology tools that can be used for various purposes in youth engagement work. Recorded June 2020.
Recording - Overcoming Challenges: In-Person and Virtually
- This office hour covers current challenges to facilitating and delivering youth engagement activities both in-person and virtually. Recorded January 2022.
Wrapping Up Youth Engagement: PEARS & Evaluation
- FFY23 PEARS & Evaluation for Youth Engagement
This webinar includes an overview of reporting youth engagement activities in PEARS and evaluating youth engagement efforts, as well as answering UCCE county/cluster program questions.
- Sharing Youth Engagement Findings
This webinar looks into ideas and opportunities to share youth engagement evaluation data and program findings with partners, stakeholders, and youth to highlight youth engagement efforts and recruit for additional efforts. Recorded August 2022.
- FFY22 PEARS & Evaluation for Youth Engagement
This webinar provides an overview look at reporting youth engagement activities in PEARS, as well as evaluating youth engagement efforts. Question and discussion are also included. Recorded February 2022.
- FFY21 Reporting Youth Engagement in PEARS
- This office hour explores recommendations and guidance for reporting direct education and policy, system, and environmental change efforts for youth engagement activities in PEARS, as well as addresses questions and examples for how to report youth engagement activities in PEARS. Additionally, a brief update is shared on several youth engagement resources. Recorded August 2021.
Recording - Success Stories and UC Delivers
In this webinar, guest presenters Andra Nicoli and Leyla Marandi share tips and resources on how to write-up youth engagement efforts and other CalFresh Healthy Living, UC activities as Success Stories and for the UC Delivers Blog. Recorded May 2021.
-Success Stories PowerPoint Slides and Resource Links-UC Delivers Blog PowerPoint Slides and Resource Links
Recording- Youth Engagement Evaluation Tools
- This office hour webinar looks at different youth engagement evaluation tools available for evaluating Youth-led Participatory Action Research (YPAR), Teens as Teachers (TAT), Student Nutrition Action Committees/Councils (SNACs), and other youth engagement work during FFY 2021. Recorded January 2021.
Recording - FFY20 Reporting Youth Engagement in PEARS
- This webinar provides information and guidance for reporting youth engagement activities as Direct Education and PSE efforts in PEARS. Recorded July 2020.
Learning from Others: Youth Engagement Sharing
- FFY24 Youth Engagement Highlights and Looking to FFY25
- This webinar highlights CFHL, UCCE teams’ youth engagement achievements in FFY24, along with brainstorming of supports for FFY25. Recorded August 2024.
Recording - FFY23 Youth Engagement Celebrations
This webinar highlights the achievements and celebrations of CFHL, UCCE teams in their FFY23 youth engagement efforts. Recorded August 2023.
- FFY23 Youth Engagement Kick-Off
This webinar engages UCCE county/cluster teams in sharing ideas and plans for youth engagement activities in FFY23.
- Youth Engagement Celebrations-FFY22
This webinar highlights the achievements and celebrations of UCCE teams in their FFY22 youth engagement efforts. Recorded September 2022.
- FFY22 Mid-Year Check-In: Program Sharing
This webinar features county programs sharing FFY22 mid-year successes and challenges in youth engagement programming, and looking toward the next half of the fiscal year.
- Water Access and Appeal: Applying the Stepping Stones Framework in Contra Costa County
This highlight from Contra Costa County walks through use and application of the Stepping Stones Framework in a YPAR project exploring water access and appeal, Project 4-H2O. Recorded December 2021.
- Youth Engagement Highlights of FFY21
- This webinar is a celebration of youth engagement efforts from FFY21, including share-outs from UCCE county/cluster programs about their youth engagement achievements throughout the year. Recorded September 2021.
Recording - Summer Youth Engagement Highlights
- In this webinar, hear from several county and cluster programs about how they have wrapped up their youth engagement efforts this school year, their plans for summer, and where they hope to be by the end of summer, along with attendees brainstorming their youth engagement summer plans. Recorded June 2021.
Recording - Mid-Year Check-in: Program Sharing
- This webinar features county programs sharing FFY21 mid-year successes and challenges, as well as collective brainstorming and troubleshooting to support youth engagement efforts. Recorded April 2021.
Training Materials and Other Resources
Youth Engagement: PEARS and Evaluation Tip Sheet
This tip sheet is designed to assist in reporting youth engagement activities in PEARS, specific to Direct Education (Program Activities) and Policy, Systems, and Environmental Change (PSE) efforts (PSE Site Activities), and determine which evaluation tool to use with each youth engagement strategy. For youth engagement reporting questions, please contact Kelley Brian ( for youth engagement, Melanie Alexander ( for PEARS Program Activities, and Angie Keihner ( for PEARS PSE Site Activities.
Partnering with UC 4-H Youth Development Program in CFHL, UC Youth Engagement Programming - Frequently Asked Questions
Looking to collaborate with UC 4-H but have some questions? Check out this FAQ document to see responses to commonly asked questions when partnering with UC 4-H in CFHL, UC programs. If you have additional questions, please contact Kelley Brian at This FAQ document will be updated as new questions come up.